Opis oferty
The Master HR adviser team has many years of experience in the field of recruitment and personal development. Our mission is the support of companies through professional consultation in order to advise and develop them in the selection of suitable candidates. We are convinced that the creation of employer branding starts at well-prepared bespoke recruitment, a process that we are excited to be part of. Agency with the certificate no.: 16707.
Currently, our Client is a foreign transportation company looking for a successful candidate to join the organization as a Recruitment Specialist.
Recruitment Specialist with English and Russian
Location: Poland
Ref.no.: 2023/02/RS
- Manage the end-to-end recruiting process from sourcing to offer acceptance
- Editing advertisements, analysis and selection of candidates, conducting recruitment interviews;
- Building and maintaining positive relationships with candidates, taking care of Candidate Experience;
- Participation in the development of internal recruitment tools;
- Initiative and searching for new sources of acquiring candidates.
- Experience in recruitment process of the truck drivers from various countries in transport sector
- Responsible, communicative, able to work and achieve a results working independently with a great time management
- Knowledge of various sourcing strategies and ability to effectively use them
- Fluency in English and Russian
We offer:
- Flexible working hours and work from anywhere in Poland
- Planning visits to Lithuanian colleagues from time to time
- Stable employment based on contract of employment
- Working remotely
- Professional and personal development in an international environment
- Additional benefits: quarterly bonuses
Interested persons should send their application along with a CV to: https://aplikuj.hrlink.pl/aplikacja/Recruitment-Specialist-with-English-and-Russian/5402-3550-25-4bb-1914.html
Szczegóły oferty
Doświadczenie2 lata
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